
I am a parish minister currently serving the Eliot Church of Natick MA. Eliot Church is a Community Church affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. Any statements made and postions held in "Unity," however, are solely mine(of course, they may be used with appropriate atribution). Therefore if you disagree, please do not blame the church!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Revival is coming up and will be in New York City. This should be interesting. Unlike the Council of Christian Churches in the UUA, the membership of the UUCF is held by individuals rather than congregations. This makes for a different focus and slightly different interests. For example, the CXCUUA doesn't necessarily need a workshop on being Christian in a non-Christian congregation. However, for most of the members of the UUCF, this is a compelling topic. Likewise, there isn't a "Christian small-group" at Eliot church as all of our groups are, in fact, in some way Christian.

The diversity of the UUCF is its strength. I went to Revival a couple of years ago when it was in Worcester, MA. There were trinitarians and non-trinitarians (yes, there have always been individual trinitarians in our churches) . There are Christians and those who are more interested in the Christian roots of the UUA. I recommend the experience to anyone who can find the time to attend.

As a somewhat-more-than-casual observer I would have to say that Christianity in the UUA is experiencing something of a renaissance. Fewer folks seem to think of Christian Churches in the UUA as quaint living history installations, for example, and people seem genuinely interested in programs like Convocation and Revival. Its a good thing, too. The world needs Liberal Christianity and its message. The UCC, too seems to be growing and experiencing a growth in energy and committment. This is also a good thing, and for the same reasons.

You will note that here at Unity I have posted a link to the Shake Shack Webcam. This is as a service to any Meadville/Lombard Alums who find themselves in Madison Square Park. Why? Its all about the Chicago Dogs. At the risk of offending the New Yorkers in my family, New York is great, but Chicago is greater and being surrounded by all that steel and concrete might make certain fightin' Lombards miss the preserved-meat experience. I'll see if I can scare up an address for Chicago Pizza...